Thursday, July 21, 2011

Could car exhaust fumes enter our house from outside?

Some idiot from Con Edison came out to our street yesterday because a wire is down and has been running his car for 7 straight hours now. He's not even the guy fixing the wire, he's just somebody that is standing by "securing the area" until the work crew gets here. He parked along the street right next to our house and I have been a little worried that maybe the fumes from the car could penetrate our house. I know that when we have lawn mowers come the odor definitely seeps in, and though I haven't smelled anything yet from this guy, I know that cars produce carbon monoxide, which is odorless. Are the fumes just blowing around outside, if this guy is really sitting in his own self-created pool of carbon monoxide would these even harm us inside? I pretty much just want to make sure that the environment is safe even for someone with asthma or pregnant. I know there is a lot of fumes in NYC, but never have I really heard of this, someone just mindlessly leaving their car on for an entire day while sitting in it.

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