Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gift ideas for 3 different dance teachers.?

My recital is over and I wanted to get my teachers something special. I need something for my main dance teacher, who is the owner of the studio. She teaches ballet, tap and jazz. She has done so much for me this past year I really want to get her something different. Not necessarily dance related. She is not married, has no kids and lives alone. As far as I know she doesn't wear jewelry. For the second one, she also teaches ballet, tap and jazz but shes more of the owners assistant. She loves knitting as a hobby and I really wanted to get her some personalized knitting needles but cannot find any anywhere. Originally I wanted to get metal ones and engrave them but cant find metal. Then I saw some wooden ones online, but not any I like. For the third, she is my hip hop teacher and also did my solo this year. She is the hard one. What do I get a hip hop teacher? I don't know what her hobbies are!

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